Maurice Legendre
Founder, Owner, Principle Designer and Builder of Sacred Element
Leaving the country Maurice Legendre traveled through South East Asia, India, Australia, Northern Africa, Europe and the Mediterranean. Exploring numerous cultures, spiritual and sacred sites, buildings and ruins, he was intrigued by all the ways that humans shape forms of reverence and honoring. Examining what was sacred for each culture helped him to know the people better and understand the incredibly diverse and common nature of humanity.
During his travels and after returning home to Asheville, North Carolina in the USA, Maurice started developing an interest in sacred geometry. He found something fascinating and powerful in the shapes that repeat everywhere in nature, forming the root patterns of the world. Studying the geometric constructions that relate physically and energetically to the natural world helped him to see how certain patterns and energy or feeling relate to each other.
Feeling a drive to re-connect with his artistic side, Maurice designed and built the Lotus Blossom DJ Booth for ecstatic dance events he was hosting. This merging of art, natural beauty, DJ booth (functionality), and sacred altar space began to inspire him and those who experienced it. Building from there he started creating more stage art and connecting with other people in the conscious entertainment world. And stage by stage, SEED was born from the Lotus Blossom.